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Teachers Love Microcredentials

Darcie Punches-Mickelson, M.A., a language arts teacher in Rock Springs, Wyoming, earned computer science microcredentials through a program offered by the Wyoming Department of Education. Watch this video to learn about her experience.

What Are Microcredentials?


Microcredentials Are Not

Digital Badges

We get it. Badges can feel like a sticker and a lollipop.


No one should sit-and-get and get a badge.

Microcredentials Measure What Learners Know and Can Do

By implementing a rigorous microcredential program, you tell your learners you value their time.


Because microcredentials are all about demonstrating one's ability, amount of time spent learning doesn't matter. Each person learns faster or slower than someone else.

What does matter is that learners can demonstrate competency–by providing evidence of their skills and knowledge.


Increase Motivation

Learners can easily get discouraged when they feel lost or don't know what to do next. Frequent feedback on smaller pieces of learning means learners to get positive recognition for each small success–and guidance when they go astray.

Some folks call this "gamifying" education. We think it's just good teaching.

Microcredentials' Smaller "Grain Size" Makes Learning Easier

Microcredentials represent "bite-sized" pieces of learning that break up long courses or lessons into discrete skills and concepts. Learners feel encouraged when they can regularly finish learning tasks.


Microcredentials provide scaffolding. Because learners demonstrate competency sequentially, they're always prepared for what comes next. And if they need help, mentors and instructors can more readily identify areas of difficulty. 

Microcredentials Provide

Learners Autonomy

Learners demonstrate agency, choosing what and how they will learn by selecting their own pathways.

Learners choose how they will demonstrate competency.

Learners receive frequent, personalized feedback.

Microcredentials Are Rigorous

Microcredentials allow learners to earn currency for their work. Currency might be school district or post-secondary diploma/degree credit, licensure or certification, or employer recognition (interview, job offer, or promotion). 


Currency is valuable, so earning it requires learners to submit verifiable evidence of their skills and knowledge, which is evaluated by subject-matter experts using standards-aligned, research-backed rubrics.

Competency-Based Learning That Works

Built on MIDAS Microcredentials

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